(1.) 4 KICKS UNDERWATER/1 ON TOP – The swimmers should
take four kicks underwater before surfacing to take one kick on top of the
water. The swimmers should maintain a
tight streamline position during the entire drill. They should take a breath when they come to
the surface for the one kick on top.
(2.) KICKING ON YOUR BACK – Have the swimmers kick
on their backs with their hands either at their side or extended in a
streamline position. Their knees should
remain underwater throughout the kick and they should concentrate on a good glide. This drill allows the swimmers to quickly
realize if they are pulling their knees up instead of pulling their feet back
to their rear-ends. This is also a good
stretch for the upper quads after a hard set.
(3.) LINEUP DRILL – Swimmers kick without a
board on their stomachs. They should
concentrate on getting their head down between their arms and their body
streamlined as they execute the propulsive phase of their kick. They should push down with their hands or use
a very small sculling motion to get a breath during the leg recovery. The purpose of this drill is to teach
swimmers to streamline their body during the propulsive phase of the kick.
(4.) NO BOARD KICKING – The swimmers should
extend their arms backward beside their hips and attempt to touch their feet to
their hands as they finish the leg recovery and begin the propulsive phase of
the kick. This drill is done while the
swimmers are on their stomachs and is excellent for teaching the proper leg
recovery. As an advanced drill, this can
be done with the chin on the surface of the water.
(5.) VERTICAL KICKING – Have the swimmers kick
vertically in deep water. They should
keep their hands out of the water and concentrate on a fast kick turnover.
(1.) MULTIPLES DRILL – Have the swimmers take
two or three pullouts off of each wall.
This drill is great for fast 25s or 50s or as a part of longer
sets. (Dan Patton – B.S.L.)
(2.) 1 PULL/3 KICKS or 1 PULL/2 KICKS – During the kicks the
swimmers should maintain a tight streamline position with their heads tucked
down between their arms. This drill is
good for reinforcing the streamline at the end of the stroke.
(3.) PULLOUT PROGRESSION – The swimmers should
push off the wall in a streamline position and glide to the surface. The next step is to push off the wall, pull,
and glide to the surface. They should
then push off the wall, pull, kick, and then take a second pull exploding out
of the water as high as possible. (Tom
Himes – N.B.A.C.)
(4.) STEP DRILL – This drill is done during a set of 25s
breaststroke. On the first one they
should take three pullouts. On the
second one they should take two pullouts, and on the third 25, they should take
one pullout. Then repeat. This drill helps to condition the swimmers to
take full pullouts off each turn. Kathy
McKee – D.S.C.)
(5.) 3-2-1 DRILL – This is a 200 yard drill that can be used to
improve distance per stroke and emphasize proper streamlining. The swimmers swim 50 yards with a three-count
glide. Then 50 yards with a two-count
glide and 50 yards with a one-count glide.
They should hold a tight streamline position while gliding. They finish the 200 with a 50 of full stroke
breaststroke. (Bill Miller – C.U.)
(1.) BREASTSTROKE PULL – FLUTTER KICK – The swimmers should
pull breaststroke while doing a rapid flutter kick. This drill is good for increasing
turnover. The swimmers should emphasize
fast hands and fast feet.
(2.) ELBOW SQUEEZE DRILL – The swimmers should
swim 25s concentrating on squeezing their elbows together in front of their
chests. They should shrug their
shoulders in order to lift the body high out of the water and to speed up
recovery. (Brent Rutemiller – S.A.C.)
(3.) HALF-PULL BREASTSTROKE – The swimmers do a half
pull so that their arms stay in front and are fast from the end of the up sweep
to the end of recovery. This is a good
drill to prevent over-pulling. (Dan
Patton – B.S.L.)
(4.) HAND SPEED DRILL – Have the swimmers swim
with their hands laced together and fully extended. They should bounce their hands off their
chests and recover as quickly as possible.
The swimmers should bounce their hands off their chests three times
along with doing one kick with a two-count glide. The fourth time they should pull, kick, and
glide to a count of two. (Sherwood Watts
– S.Y.S.)
(5.) OUT-SLOW, IN-FAST DRILL – Swimmers pull in a
horizontal position during this drill.
They sweep out with their arms slowly and gently until the water is
behind their arms and then scull in fast and hard. This is an excellent drill for teaching
swimmers how to make a good catch and to emphasize the phase of the arm stroke
where propulsive force belongs, that is, in the insweep. (Ernest W. Maglischo – C.S.U. – Chico)
(6.) PULLING IN AN INNERTUBE – The tube should be
placed just under the armpits and should be large enough for the swimmer to
move relatively freely. This helps to
create a natural arm pull and the sculling action. (Edinboro
develop strength for longer breaststroke races.
Sets such as 6 x 150 or 5 x 200 will help accomplish the needed effect.
(8.) SCULLING PROGRESSION DRILL – The first step is to
have the swimmers scull while upright in deep water. Next, have them scull on their stomachs with
their hands out in front. They should
start narrow and progress to wider sculling.
Then, while still on their stomachs and with their elbows up and
forward, they should scull their hands in and out quickly and up underneath
their chin. The sculling should resemble
windshield wipers. This drill can be
used to help the swimmers feel the sculling action of the stroke. (Kathy McKee – D.S.C.)
(9.) 3 PULLS/1 KICK or 2 PULLS/1 KICK – The swimmers legs
should remain straight during the pulls.
They should concentrate on a strong pull. (Edinboro
(10.) 3 PULLS – 3 WHOLE STROKES – During the three pulls,
the swimmers should not kick at all, letting their legs drag behind them. This drill helps to reinforce the carry-over
between drills and the whole stroke. (Edinboro University)
(1.) BREASTSTROKE PULL – DOLPHIN KICK – This drill can be done
with or without fins. It gives the
feeling of moving over the bow wave and riding downhill. This drill can be used to enhance timing and
rhythm and to speed up the arm stroke.
(2.) RUSSIAN BUILD UP DRILL – This drill can be done
as 75s or as 150s. This should not be
done slowly, this should be done at a very quick pace. Have the swimmers do a 25 pull only/25 doing
2 pulls and 1 kick/25 swim. Then they do
a 25 kick only/25 doing 1 pull and 2 kicks/25 swim.
(3.) STROKE COUNT DRILL – This drill is done
during a set of 25s or 50s. The swimmers
should try to drop the number of strokes taken by emphasizing the pull, the
kick, and the reach. Counting strokes
per lap tends to help the swimmers concentrate on reaching and making a full
recovery before starting the next stroke.
(Tom Himes – N.B.A.C.)
(4.) TIMING DRILL – The swimmers take a
full breaststroke cycle and a 2-3 second glide in a streamline position. Then repeat with the glide cut down to 1-2
seconds. They should then take a normal
stroke and repeat.
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